Renee and I decided to try cupping as a massage technique and I think we got cup-raped more than cup-massaged. The idea is to release toxins that have accumulated in you body through suction-cup glasses placed on you back. The darker the marks, the more toxins one has. I guess I'm pretty toxic.
The process took about 25 minutes, when the cups were placed and left to do their work. It felt like a giant clothes pin was placed in each spot. The pinching sensation did ease as the process continued, but I think it helps to try an relax during the treatment.
We weren't supposed to shower or drink alcohol for six hours afterwards, so that the treatment could be most effective. For 32myr ($10), was it worth it? Yes. I think the experience was unique and I kind of feel like my shoulders released a bit of tension. Renee, however, was less impressed and thought it was just painful.
It's good to hear you speak cup on the internet, Chris. Awesome blog, how long will you be gone?